

We promote research aimed at advancing innovative and effective aphasia treatment approaches.

Despite the debilitating effects of aphasia on communication and quality of life, much research on aphasia focuses on studying it rather than treating it. We want to jumpstart an era focused on treatment! If you struggle now to say just a few words, we envision a world where you can have a loving conversation with your family. If it is hard to identify letters, we envision a time when you can read and understand the newspaper. If you find it hard to piece together letters to write words, we envision you composing and sending emails to friends. If you have a hard time understanding what your spouse asked you to get from the fridge, we envision the day when you understand what your doctor is telling you about your healthcare needs, and then effectively ask any questions you may have. These are all real difficulties from our clinical experiences in working with aphasia. We need real solutions.

We know this journey to new paradigms of effective treatment will be a marathon, not a sprint. But if we don’t start now, we will never get closer to that finish line.

Friends of Aphasia is currently in the planning stages for its inaugural Aphasia Treatment Summit. We will be gathering experts from a variety of fields, dedicated clinicians, and enthusiastic students to work intensively with a group of individuals living with aphasia to examine difficulties, strengths, and goals, and, importantly, to brainstorm innovative treatment approaches specifically designed to improve meaningful communication skills and reduce the real world difficulties of people who have aphasia.

Consider donating now to make the Aphasia Treatment Summit a reality.

Please help the individuals who are living with this challenging disorder.


We look forward to hearing from you about our mission to treat aphasia.

  • Location: 1011 N Craycroft Rd, Suite 301, Tucson, AZ 85711
  • Mailing Address: PO Box 12232, Tucson, AZ 85732
  • 520-398-6834
  • FAX: 520-300-8328
  • [email protected]


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